Certification Pathway – Baptiste Institute


“Be a drop, a stream, or a raging river – it doesn’t matter which form you take, as long as you remain in the flow.”

Baron Baptiste, Perfectly Imperfect: The Art and Soul of a Yoga Practice


“Be a drop, a stream, or a raging river – it doesn’t matter which form you take, as long as you remain in the flow.”

Baron Baptiste, Perfectly Imperfect: The Art and Soul of a Yoga Practice


Baptiste Power Yoga Certification Development Pathway

The Baptiste Yoga certification criteria is a future based model that supports Certified Baptiste Power Yoga teachers to be in a process of ongoing training and development by adding objective standards and benchmarks which will increase the quality of how the methodology gets expressed. The Certified Teacher Development Program is distinguished by 3 Tiers. Currently, there is one entry level program to step onto the pathway. This tiered curriculum is a structured that allows for a lifelong development journey in the Baptiste Training. 


Baptiste Power Yoga Instructor Credential

By completing Level One: Journey Into Power Training you have the opportunity to pass the post course exam and receive a Baptiste Power Yoga Credential. This credential gives you the designation of Baptiste Power Yoga Instructor. This designation is for anyone who wants to further develop and empower themselves through the Journey Into Power practice as well as those who are inspired to teach Baptiste Power Yoga and hold a formal credential.

Educational Requirements to apply For The Baptiste Yoga Instructor Credential:

Upon completion of Level One: Journey Into Power Training, you have now obtained your teaching credential and are part of the Certified Teacher Development Program. As part of the Certified Teacher Development Program, you will be charged an annual dues payment of $200 (USD).  Level One Graduates will have accrued 100 Total CEU hours with Baptiste Yoga (these hours are applied TOWARDS your Tier 1 accrual).

Note: The Baptiste Power Yoga Instructor Credential does not grant you a Tier 1: Baptiste Power Yoga Leader Certification, though it does support your journey with the required foundational education.


Tier 1: Become CERTIFIED as A Baptiste Power Yoga Leader

Our Certified Leaders are trained in the distinctions of the Baptiste Power Yoga Methodology, and have hands-on experience in expressing them effectively. They remain active in the Baptiste Power Yoga community and ongoingly develop themselves to bring to life the essential practices of Baptiste Power Yoga in a way that is engaging, empowering, and generates real results for all people.

When you have completed all of the necessary requirements (listed below) you are eligible to apply and become a Tier 1: Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Leader and join our global community of certified teachers. With this certification you represent an esteemed body of leaders that share Baptiste Power Yoga in the world and can declare publicly that you are a Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Teacher in your classes, marketing and promotions.

Educational Requirements to apply:

As part of the Certified Teacher Development Program, you will be charged an annual dues payment of $200 (USD).  You will have accrued 300 total CEU hours with Baptiste Power Yoga


Tier 2: Become CERTIFIED As A Baptiste Power Yoga Educator

Our Certified Educators are committed to sharing Baptiste Power Yoga to bring about a fundamental shift in what’s possible for all human beings. They have developed skillfulness in creating the environment for those fundamental shifts occur and are dedicated to causing deep community everywhere and with everyone.

When you have completed all of the necessary requirements (listed below) you are eligible to apply and become a Tier 2: Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Educator.

Educational Requirements to apply:

As part of the Certified Teacher Development Program you will continue to be charged an annual dues payment of $200 (USD). You will have accrued 750 additional hours of CEU’s with Baptiste Power Yoga.


Tier 3: Become Certified As A Baptiste Power Yoga Influencer

Our Certified Influencers have developed themselves into natural leaders and an effective educators of the principles and practices of the Baptiste Power Yoga Methodology. They are trained to powerfully and naturally alter what happens in the classroom environment as a natural expression of who they are. They are part of a group of leaders and teachers with unprecedented power and ability, they leave a life-affirming footprint in the world.

When you have completed all of the necessary requirements (listed below) you are eligible to apply and become a Tier 3: Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Influencer.

Educational Requirements to apply:

 As part of the Certified Teacher Development Program you will continue to be charged an annual dues payment of $200 (USD). 

You will have accrued an additional 1500 hours of CEU’s with Baptiste Power Yoga.

(Maintaining & Up-Leveling Your Credentials and Certification)

Steps to up-level Your Certification

Step 1. Maintain your current Certification

Step 2. Complete the Educational Requirements for the Tier of Certification you are up-leveling to AND complete required Classroom Teaching Experience Hours for the Tier you are up-leveling to.

Step 3. Apply for the next Tier of Certification!

*You will need to go through the application for each Level Certificate and Tier of Certification



Step 1. Submit the required documents by email to [email protected]

Provide proof of completing required programs, teaching hours, and commit to Terms & Conditions of Certification

Step 2. Pay your yearly dues of $200

*Please allow 3 business days to receive the STEP 3 details via email

Step 3. Receive your Certificate upon passing the exam




200hr Baptiste Yoga Teaching Certificate Course: Expand Your Power attend 200
40 Days to Personal Revolution Facilitation Training attend 50
40 Days to Personal Revolution Program lead 25
Advanced Art of Assisting attend 15
Affiliate Empowerment Summit attend 30
Apprentice a weeklong program attend 120
Art of Assisting attend 15
Art of True North Alignment attend 15
Assist a short program attend 20
Assist a weeklong program attend 120
Baptiste Assisting Course attend 15
Baptiste Power Yoga Global Summit attend 35
Baptiste Power Yoga Teacher Course attend 15
Being of Power attend 7
Global Certified Teacher Summit attend 25
FIT to Lead retake 250
Kids Yoga Teacher Training (weeklong) attend 95
Teacher’s Edge attend 18
Level One: Journey Into Power retake from 2013 or after 100
Level Two: The Sannyasin’s Journey retake from 2013 or after 100
Level Three: Beyond Borders attend 100
Personal Revolution Bootcamp attend 75
Power of Play Bootcamp (digital course) complete 30
Baptiste Foundation Unbreakable program attend or lead 20
Baptiste Foundation Unstoppable program attend or lead 8