Grounding Copy

The Grounding sequence is a new beginning in the middle of the practice. Establish drishti, ujjayi, and foundation as though for the first time. Bring in core as foundation.

The poses of the grounding sequence

  • Sun Salutation A – Variation with Triangle 
  • Side Facing Wide Leg Forward Fold
  • Namaste Front Facing Forward Fold
  • Twisting Triangle 
  • Vinyasa into other side

Timing of the grounding sequence

  • Approximately 5 minutes of a 60 minute class
  • Approximately 8 minutes of a 75 minute class
  • Approximately 8 minutes of a 90 minute class

Demos included in this video

  • 9:30 Triangle, Three Point Foundation
  • 14:46 Warrior 2, Pelvis & Legs
  • 18:10 Warrior 2, Balanced Action
  1. This work can be completed with a partner or alone, in front of a mirror. If in front of the mirror, teach to your body. Record yourself leading each of the demos included within this video. Listen back to the recording and be the student of your teaching. Listen for how your words land for you as the participant. Take 2 – 3 minutes for each exercise.
  2. Once you have completed the exercise, including listening back to the recording, give yourself feedback: were your instructions clear and effective?
  3. Repeat #1. Incorporate the feedback you gave yourself in questions  #2 and #3.