4 Results From Level One Training – Baptiste Institute

Here’s the deal. If you ask any of us on the Baptiste Team, or any Certified Baptiste Teacher, or anyone who has done a bucketload of Baptiste programs: “Hey, I’m going to try out a Baptiste Program and I really want the full experience, which one do you recommend for me?” No matter who you are, or what you do, we would likely have the same answer — Level One: Journey Into Power. Period.

Not because it’s the best (although for some, it might be), but because, should this be the only Baptiste Program you ever encounter, it will give you extraordinary benefits that will last you your lifetime; and should this weeklong intensive be the gateway to your unique Baptiste Yoga journey, it is the ultimate in understanding what you are in for. It’s the full Baptiste Yoga experience indeed. Win-wins all around.

If there is one experience to recommend to anyone this year, it’s Level One: Journey Into Power. It’s just that powerful. You could ask around to test it out. And you could take the leap and come find out for yourself. Yes, it’s a leap. All great adventures are.

Here’s what you can expect:

The promise of Level One: Journey Into Power training is that you will open up, empower, and practice being on a new pathway for yourself that makes a real difference in what matters most to you in your life and in your yoga practice. You will learn what it takes to be an effective practitioner and teacher of the basic Baptiste Methodology.

Level One: Journey Into Power is an environment of extraordinary standards. It is a total immersion in which more is demanded of you than ever before. You will engage in the three essential practices of Baptiste Yoga; the physical practice of power vinyasa yoga, meditation practice as an access to being clear and present, and the practice of transformative self-inquiry to unlock mental potential. Engaging with these practices will develop your working understanding of the Baptiste Methodology and will leave you transformed with greater power, freedom and vitality.


Level One is a unique experience for all. We each have our own purpose for attending this program. Many of our past Level One graduates have shared with us why they chose to do Level One and we’ve distilled it down to 4 key points.

1. Discover whole life transformation

Put your life on hold and focus on you. Eat, breathe and sleep yoga, meditation and self-inquiry all day for 7 days. Experience a distraction-free week that will create the space for you to get real with yourself and do the work to get the results you want. Transform in the areas that matter most to you.

2. Develop a career that makes a difference

Have you considered teaching yoga or are you currently teaching and crave further development? Level One is not so much about “how to teach yoga,” but rather it is about “what principles and practices to teach” and “where to think and teach from” within yourself. You will transform as a result of participating in this powerful program, and this transformation will become the platform from which you share your love of yoga as a natural expression of who you are.

3. Gain internationally valued leadership skills

There is a call from around the world for leaders who are responsible for their own personal healing, who live and lead from sound mind and body, who are heart-center and compassionate, and who are in the rigorous life-affirming practice of honoring their own word. Invest in yourself and gain access to this level of leadership.

4. Achieve clarity of mind and a powerful purpose

Level One: Journey Into Power is both a place to begin your yoga journey and also a place to revisit it again and again as a way to develop in all areas of your practice, teaching and life. Complete the important and ongoing self development work required for transformational growth.


I went to Level One in June of 2014, in Sedona AZ. There were two impactful moments I distinctly recall.

The first was on day 3 during meditation. I had been really struggling with the meditations (and the concept of meditating in general), and that morning, Baron said something to the effect of meditation not being about emptying the mind of thoughts, but rather, of simply noticing when our thoughts are wandering—and how the moment we realize our thoughts have wandered, we get present. This was mind-blowing for me, and really shifted my relationship with meditation practice.

The second moment was at the very end, on Friday night, when we were completing our final practice. I had spent months leading up to Level One terrified of being around a bunch of strangers for a week, and having to connect with people I didn’t know. And throughout the week, I had sort of eased into a relative sense of comfortability around this, but hadn’t fully allowed myself to open up. That night, in Savasana, as music was playing and I could hear my fellow Level One-ers around me breathing, crying, laughing and being, I had a breakthrough and realized that we were all connected, and there was nothing to fear about that connection. As the music swelled, Baron had us all get up to dance, and I couldn’t believe I was among them (the old me never would have done this) laughing, crying, sweating and being, all together as one. It was amazing and wonderful, and I’ll never forget it.

—Colure C

Tammy Hender
Author: Tammy Hender

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